Thursday, October 17, 2013

What have you learned in Educational Technology?

"The beautiful about learning is that no one can take it away from you"

Being enrolled in the subject- Educational Technology, it really gave me a lot of knowledge on how to use appropriate teaching tools in my future field of work. We all know that this subject allow us to use different methods of teaching with the use of the high technology invented gadgets like the computer, tablet and etc. With the presence of our beloved teacher, Mrs. Paraiso We enjoyed the learning and at the same time We built confidence in ourselves. By her knowledge, We encounter a lot of new experiences that will help us to be a model to our co-students and to our future students.In this subject, We didn't waste time just for non sense things, We see to it that every meeting, there should be additional learning that we could get. It's not the type of class that is boring, but it is a type of class that full of information, updates, moral learning, and etc. This subject also helped us to make a module with the use of  HTML. Honestly speaking, at first it's really hard for us to familiarize the codes especially it should be fixed and appropriate. We enjoyed making our own html, we discovered a lot of things, we even invented our own lay out and frame set in the html. We exchanged codes to each other to compare and to add beauty in our html. Totally speaking, this subject is really advantage for us as future educator, Mrs. Paraiso did an effective role for us to be a knowledgeable person and also an effective educator in the future.

"See you on our next journey :) "

Monday, September 30, 2013

Suggest one classroom policy that haven't existed yet which you think will help both teachers and students in the learning process

Collecting of cellular phones and other gadgets (mp3, iPod, etc.) that is not useful in the class discussion.

I chose this policy because I observed that students really attach on those gadgets that will cause for them not to listen to the discussion. By collecting these devices, it will enlighten the mind of the students on what are the limitations of the technology invented gadgets. It will also help the students to have a focus on the teacher, if they don't have the gadgets in their hands, then it will be easy for them to listen , absorb the knowledge and interact with the teacher and as well as to their classmates. It will give time to the teacher to discuss well without hesitation and it will give the students the chance to understand and learn kindheartedly and willfully, it will result also on the achievement of the objectives and desire of the teacher. It will show the real essence of coming in school and being a teacher. It will not just lessen unmanageable attitudes of the students but it will result to a productive learning with efficient teacher and a disciplined students. “every problem has a solution, and it depends on how it will be handle with care and love”.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Student-Teacher Relationship

Student-teacher relationship is really important in transferring and absorbing knowledge. Every information would be meaningful if it was took by the influential teachers and by the response of an active students. This relationship shows how teachers should really know what he was doing on educating the students. The teacher, himself should also know the diversity of the students for him to know the considerations and conditions in transferring knowledge, it is not how good the teacher is ,but it is on what and how the students can get what their teacher is teaching. Then, the students should actively participate in the transferring of information for them not to be behind and get lost in the topic. This relationship is really the most effective strategy of a teacher, by this relationship it will be easy for the both to understand the lesson and meet their objectives and needs, it will also help the both to be effective and efficient person in the community and as well as in the country, it will give an unlimited chance for the both to be productive not only in the school but also in the field of job which there was a reality. “everything will be produced effectively by the power of efficient learning”.
Unruly behavior, giving corporal punishment to unmanageable students is a big no no for teachers, what are the other ways to tame such kind of students.

As a future educator, facing students with unmanageable attitudes is really hard. Giving corporal punishment, physical attacks is not the solution for a such problem, it will just give the students a ridiculous experience and will not lessen their unruly behavior. If there were other ways to tame such kind of students I will be stick on my philosophy, explain my concept about their education, the significance of learning and how individuals should be disciplined in their own way of understanding and thinking. Giving conditions and awards for their actions, believing them the real essence of being a disciplined person by influencing them on their actions and learning during the class. Because I believe that a disciplined teacher will lead his/her students to become a model.
Cheating-as a future educator what do you think are measures to use in order to minimize the case of cheating.

Nowadays, cheating is not that rare and new to the students. Some will say that “walang nakagraduate na hindi nangungopya” and I will just smile and think of myself. As a future educator, that will mold the student's holistic education I can minimize the case of cheating by: choosing cooperative group activities in the class so that they will share their thoughts and it will collaborate to each other, give some advices and tips on how the students will answer the examinations honestly, by giving them values and ethical education that will reflect their actions and how they will encounter it with conscience and honesty, through classroom management, it will lessen the cheating in the class by being an influential and efficient teacher to the students that would result the students to choose to study than to cheat. It will really depends on the attitude of the teacher and how students would response to it.
Absenteeism- how does it affect the student's learning?

Absenteeism really affect the student's learning. We all know that through the presence of the students during their classes is one of the factor that will lead the students to have a productive learning. If there were students that can't control being always an absent in the class then it will give them the following effects: there will be a limited chance for them to absorb the discussion of their teachers, they will only get the limited information and knowledge, their self-confidence will be less and their school life would not be that meaningful and maybe it will result of being an undergraduate student or maybe drop by the school itself. “Our presence will help us to become an effective learners”. To minimize those absences, as a future educator, I will be a progressivist teacher so that I will encourage not to be absent for they will lose the chance of having points in the activities that the teacher will have. Let's build encouragement to our student's better future.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

What is your opinion about K-12 program?

K-12 program

                                              K-12 program is the additional 2 years in the Educational system of the Philippines. There are advantages and disadvantages in implementing the program. The advantages are; the Philippines can compete to other country’s by the year of 2015 onwards, the educational system in our country will be develop, innovate and improve the literacy and learning of the Filipino people. By this program, the employment for the people will increase and will help employees to have a progress in their economic status. The country will be known for it's progressive aspect to other country's. It will help the country and it's people to be successful in more years to come. The disadvantages are; a lot of people will question if it's necessary because they will allot a money for an additional years in education. Some students might be lazy in their studies and will not be able to finish. It will lengthen the school years of the students who want to have a work as soon as possible. The Filipinos will be shocked and get rushed on the implementation of the program. This program could cause the children not to send in the schools because of financial problem and lack of knowledge and as well as the money. But at the end of the day, it matters on how much you gained and learned from your school years not how long you've been in school.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Trust is important but it's dangerous"

Trust is an assured reliance on character and truth of someone or something. Trust is important but it's dangerous. :? You can't live your life confidently if you don't trust the people that surrounds you. You can love and share with others but giving your trust to is seldom. There might be persons whose kind enough to loved you but never had an ability to trust you and there might be a persons who trusted you but never loved you. In our generation nowadays, it's really hard to put trust to the people that we faced. Some are disguised with their smile to deceive us. but it's still our own choice and decision on how and where we should put and  at the same time gain the most valuable thing in this earth called "TRUST" :")) Once trust is broken, it's hard to make it as a whole just like how it was before :"))

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Effect of Mother Tongue as Medium of Communication

Mother tongue usually refers to a person's first language or also known as native language. There are many effects when it is used as medium of communication. The use of the mother tongue make children learn better. It might shows that children do better in school using native language. Students can perform and participate well if they really understood what the teacher is trying to express. By this mother tongue, it will help the teacher and the student to be open. fully expressed thoughts and don't hesitate to ask questions and give reactions. If mother tongue will be used as communication in the whole Philippines, maybe most of the people from different provinces and cities will not easily understand each other because I think there are 150 native languages in the country and  if their using their own language then there will be a barrier between the people who don't have the mental capacity to adapt other's language but then the use of mother tongue is always depending on how it will be used as medium of communication and how people interact and express their knowledge, experiences, thoughts and opinions.

The Impact of Technology as Educational Learning Tool

Technology nowadays is not only for advanced computing and telecommunications but it can also used as educational learning tool. through the use of technology, most of the students can relate about it. They might use their stock knowledge about technology to enhance their learning. The impact of technology as learning tool are: It could be the easiest and fastest way to learn. Since, we're on the high technology world, students can easily adapt the learning through this tool. Those technology-rich schools give positive and impressive results to the learners. They will be able to explore things that they have not yet discovered. The attitude and the achievement will also improved. They can access on significant informations to have their independent study but there is also a negative impact of the technology. they could  become lazy and focused only on the technologies and forget the significant role of the books and other learning tools. It might give them an illness due to the abusive use of technology in their learnings. Some might don't have a chance to use it as a learning tool due to the lack of resources. It could give impressive results for those who can afford to used it and unfair in the case of the less fortunate schools that will not be able to use ant type of technology.
At the end of the day, it is on how the technologies will be used and how these technologies managed by the teacher and the learners.